The Twilight Zone

A Motivational Piece

1 min readFeb 9, 2020


Photo by Jean van der Meulen from Pexels

The Twilight zone is that fearful place outside of your comfort zone where you are uprooted, confused, unhinged, and desperate for the familiar – not knowing or seeing what the future holds yet assured that going back is not an option.

It is the fish outside water, the molting eagle, the young bird’s first flight, the caterpillar’s cocoon – a place of fear, darkness, and uncertainty but of great learning and life schooling.

A place of transition, rebirth, repositioning, and transformation.

Do not fear the Twilight zone

As sure as the dawn, the rays of the sun will pierce through to give clarity and light for direction and break us fourth into a bright new day.

© Imabong Faminu

Imabong Faminu is an out of work wife, mum, and ex-banker on her way to establishing a career as a creative writer and poet. Her debut collection ‘Rhythms and Ebbs — A Book of Poetry and Quotes’ is now out on Amazon Kindle.
Connect with her and learn more

Whatever Space You inhabit, Leave It A Little Better Than You Found It
Imabong Faminu

