You Are On Time

Motivational Poem


image from @wordsrwine on Instagram

You are not late
You are not early
You are right on time

Nobody came to this earth with a time table
We are all made with love by a wonderfully creative God
Some talk of late bloomers and early bloomers
But we all bloom where we are planted
In different soils

All crops don’t come out exactly the same
Even though they draw nutrient from the same soil
Receive light from the same sun and water from the same rain
They grow and mature at their own pace
Till they ripen and are ready for harvest

All children are born different
They do not develop at the same rate
They walk, talk, eat solids, potty train
And start school when it is time

So, don’t berate yourself. Don’t put yourself down. Don’t envy others
Don’t sell yourself short. Don’t stay down and defeated
Get up. Stay strong. Stay motivated.
Keep growing. Keep learning. Keep getting better
You are beautiful and…

